
The current administration wanted to lower eligibility for New Jersey residents for FamilyCare to 29% of the Federal Poverty Level, meaning that an uninsured parent with two children earning more than $5,317 a year would no longer be eligible for health coverage.  This would require a federal waiver to release New Jersey from its Maintenance of Effort of eligibility.   UULMNJ was active in raising public concern over such a stark reduction.  New Jersey’s final waiver request recently submitted removed the 29% request.  This is a victory for UULMNJ.

One of the most important provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the establishment of health insurance exchanges. These exchanges will allow the self-employed, individuals and small businesses to find and compare options for high quality, comprehensive health insurance.  The Healthcare Task Force, as part of the NJ for Health Care [tt_vector icon=”fa-external-link”] coalition, is monitoring legislation to structure the exchanges to make sure that their implementation follows our UU values, and would like to try to hold regional meetings to inform local congregations on this issue.

The Anti-Poverty Network of New Jersey [tt_vector icon=”fa-external-link”] is holding a forum on both of the above issues on October 11.

For more information, and to become involved with the Health Care Task Force, please contact