Poverty: An Issue of Justice – May 23

There will be a public regional forum, orgainzed by the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey and presented by our partners in the Anti-Poverty Network, to discuss poverty in Morris and Union Counties.  Conversation will center on statistics reported in the 2011 Poverty Benchmarks Report, the fifth annual report on poverty by the Poverty Research Institute, Legal Services of New Jersey.

This regional forum on poverty is part of an ongoing project to present this report in diverse areas of New Jersey.  If you are interested in helping to organize one in your area, please contact Craig HirshbergThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

This forum is being coordinated by our Economic Justice Task Force Chair, Lorraine Wearley, and our Health Care Task Force Chair, Carolyn Baldacchini.  We hope you can make it. For more information contact Lorraine at lorrainewearley@gmail.com or Carolyn at cal6balda@yahoo.com.

Date: Monday, May 23 at 7:00pm
Location:  Christ Church, 561 Springfield Ave, Summit