Immigration Policy Reform

UULMNJ’s Immigration Reform Task Force reports that many congregations are offering a variety of programs around this issue. A few examples:

Ridgewood: The Immigration Task Team is working on a program on the DREAM Act, to be presented on Friday evening, September 16, at the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood.

Cherry Hill: Members of Cherry Hill’s immigration committee is working with an Interfaith group in the area to support the DREAM Act, including participation in a nationwide DREAM Act Sabbath being planned for September 23-25.

Joe Thomasberger of Montclair congregation has been active with the NJ Advocates for Immigrant Detainees in opposing the proposed expansion of the Essex County Correctional Facility in Newark, to add hundreds more beds for immigrant detainees. The bidding process for the new facility is mired in suspect bidding practices and other political shenanigans. The New York Times recently published a detailed article on the issue which is being picked up by some local press. For more information contact Joe ( or Margaret White ( Senator Lautenberg has publicly opposed the expansion. People are hoping that Senator Menendez will soon speak out as well.

Princeton had a six week series on immigration issues in the spring, and Karen Siracusa reports they will reconvene in the fall to consider issues such as instate tuition, Secure Communities, detention, wage theft, education of immigrant children.

Other congregations are organizing film series and forums for the fall on these important topics.

Contact Margaret White ( for more info or to become involved with UULMNJ’s Immigration Reform Task Force.