UULMNJ Issues Workshop – October 29

UULMNJ Fall Issues Workshop
Saturday, October 29, 2011, 9am – 1pm
at The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick

It is time to register for the UULMNJ Annual Fall Issues Workshop to be held October 29 at the East Brunswick Society in East Brunswick. This workshop is open to anyone who would like to further the work of UULMNJ.

Highlights of the program include a presentation about sharpening our lobbying skills by Diane Guerin, long time activist and Justice Coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic Community of the Sisters of Mercy.

You will have an opportunity to hear first hand current issues being addressed by our Health Care, Immigration, Environment and  Economic Justice Task Forces and most importantly, to participate in strategizing our congregation and state-wide efforts.

To register, click on www.formdesk.com/uuforms/uulmnj  by October 25.  Late registrations will be accepted by contacting director@uulmnj.org.

Help us publicize this event by downloading a flyer to post and/or distribute in your local congregation.