UULMNJ President Honored by NJRC as “2011 Leader of the Year”

Congratulations to UULMNJ Board of Trustees President Rohn Hein, on his selection by the New Jersey Regional Coalition as  their 2011 Leader of the Year.  This award honors NJRC leaders who exemplify key principles and demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities and performance in the public arena.

Rohn’s award letter states, in part, “As a longtime NJRC Board Member and leader of the Lower Delaware Local District Council, as the President of the UU Church in Cherry Hill, and the President of the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey, you are an insightful leader who is not afraid to shoulder responsibility and who makes things happen.”

And we are grateful to Rohn for continuing go make things happen in UULMNJ, from his early involvement as Co-chair of the Steering Committee, to now and beyond.