Health Care: Letter Concerning Medicaid Waiver Application


On October 11, Health Care Task Force Chair Carolyn Baldacchini attended a Medical Advisory Council meeting at the NJ State offices of the Dept. of Health and Human Services.   Commissioner Jennifer Valez and members of her staff were at the meeting to discuss the Section 1115 Comprehensive Waiver that the State of New Jersey had applied for.

Members of the Medical Advisory Council and the audience expressed many concerns with the waiver.  We were the only religious organization at the meeting, and many appreciated our presence.  Many said that individual letters, as well as one from Rev. Craig Hirshberg, would be meaningful.

The task force also sent letters to the State of NJ and the Center for Medicaid and Medicare, explaining our concerns with the Section 1115 Comprehensive Waiver application.  The letters reflected our beliefs and how we wished to see a waiver be used. You can read the letter here.