UUSC: Put a Ribbon on Your Values

If each person who has expressed support for UUSC’s economic justice initiatives were to spend 10% of their holiday budget on ethically produced gifts, together, we could direct hundreds of thousands of dollars in holiday shopping towards values-driven organizations and companies.

Pledge to spend 10% or more of your holiday shopping budget on products that reflect your commitment to social responsibility. If we commit to choosing gifts with our values in mind, together we can make an impact!

Imagine how wonderful it will be for you to watch your family and friends open their gifts, knowing that these gifts are not only perfect for them, but also further justice and compassion in the world.

Go to http://actnow.uusc.org/site/PageServer?pagename=HolidayShoppingPledge2011 to join UUSC supporters in this pledge.  You’ll also find a link to UUSC’s Choose Compassionate Consumption initiative.