Environmental Justice Council Starting in Metro NY District

From the NY Metro District:

The Metro NY District is starting our our Environmental Justice Council. The primary purpose of this Council is to educate UU leaders in global, regional, and local environmental justice issues. By gathering and training members of each congregation, we hope to concentrate our efforts at community organizing and begin to impact the critical issues of our day.

Environmental Justice identifies ecological issues as they relate to questions of race and class. To address these issues adequately, our District’s Racial and Social Justice Consultant, the Rev. Peggy Clarke, and Right Relations Consultant, Dr. Frances Sink, have partnered to educate, organize, and empower our congregations to address these complex and critical issues.

The Environmental Justice Council will have its first meeting on Saturday, January 21, 2012, at the First Unitarian Society of Westchester in Hastings on Hudson NY at 10:30 am. We are asking every congregation to send at least one representative to this meeting.

The Council will meet three times in 2012; one of those sessions will center on the nationally acclaimed GreenFaith Environmental Justice Tour in the Ironbound section of Newark NJ.

If you have questions, please contact either Dr. Frances Sink at frances.sink@gmail.com or the Rev. Peggy Clarke at pclarke@uuma.org. RSVP before January 10.