Cherry Hill: Gearing Up for Marriage Equality

Two years ago, the UU Church in Cherry Hill, under the leadership of our Social Justice Committee, put out an enormous effort to support marriage equality. Sadly, the bill before the legislature was defeated. We stood proudly along with other advocates of marriage equality doing our part. We wrote letters, volunteered time, and created a legislative brigade through which we were able to send about a dozen people (different people for different hearings depending on the individual availability of our church community members) to every important rally and hearing. We worked as a team and were as effective as we could be.

Now, the issue of marriage equality is coming up for vote again.  Despite our expectation that the governor will veto the bill, there is sufficient support among our legislators (including some who voted nay the last time around) that the bill should pass, and hopefully, might override a veto as well. This effort is supported not just by our church, but by all UU churches in New Jersey through our New Jersey UU Legislative Ministry.

There are two actions we seek from our church members at this time.

  • First, please visit Garden State Equality’s website for more information..
  • Second, consider what role you can take in this effort. In particular, we need new leadership in our congregation.

This issue took many of us by surprise. We need organization and we’re trying to balance our need to organize this effort with the many commitments church members already have. If you have passion and time and would like to help lead us in this effort, please contact Ken Goldberg (, right away.