The Impact of Citizens United on the Democratic Process – Video Now Available

Channing Hall, UU Congregation of Princeton
50 Cherry Hill Road, Princeton NJ

Sponsored by UU Legislative Ministry of New Jersey

A video has been made of the program for use in NJ UU congregations and by individuals to support understanding these issues.  A study guide is also available.  Links are at the end of this article.

How has the Citizens United Supreme Court decision and laws on financing elections influenced the electoral process?
Are there other options for financing elections?
What are related NJ developments, specifically Pay to Play reform?
How can you influence the process?

Program: Join us to talk about the impact of Supreme Court decisions and legislation governing elections financing on the electoral process.

What has been the impact of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision which allowed unlimited corporate and union spending for political advertising? What has evolved in the post Watergate reforms such as disclosure, contribution limits, expenditure limits and public financing? What has been the impact of public financing and super PACs? Is there a way to pay for election campaigns which is not biased in favor of the wealthy? What is happening in NJ now? And how can each person become involved?


Greg Nagy is a recognized expert in electoral financing, published author, lecturer and longtime Unitarian Universalist. Greg Nagy retired in 2001 after almost 25 years as the Legal Director of the NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission, where he received its lifetime achievement award. He currently practices law in the area of campaign finance, lobbying regulation and ethics.

Heather Taylor is the Citizens Campaign Communication Director, serving as spokesperson and lobbyist. Heather serves as coordinator of the NJ Online News Resource Group, providing resources and assistance to reporters and citizen journalists to improve local government media coverage.

Download the Study Guide

Impact of Citizens United Part 1

Impact of Citizens United Part 2