Environmental Justice Council Meeting – April 28

It seems that the date for our next Environmental Justice Council meeting is problematic for a significant number of you.  We’ve heard from more than half of you, and nearly every response was telling us that you have a conflict.  It would seem that there are a few other District-wide events happening at the same time.  I’m glad that we’re all so engaged in the life of our District!    Frances Sink and I have decided to change the date for the Environmental Justice Council meeting.  We will meet on Saturday, April 28th.  We are still meeting from 10:30-1:30 at the First Unitarian Society of Westchester in Hastings on Hudson, NY.

We hope this means you will be able to join us!

Rev. Peggy Clarke Minister
First Unitarian Society of Westchester, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Racism and Social Justice Consultant, UU Metro NY District
Co-Founder,  InterGenerate
GreenFaith Fellow


This meeting was originally rescheduled for April 14.  It would be great to have a representative from each New Jersey UU Congregation in attendance.