Anti-Fracking Lobby Day – June 14

UULMNJ supports environmental groups for the

NJ Environmental Lobby Day & Rally in Trenton
Oppose Fracking
Support Clean Energy, Clean Water

Thursday June 14, 2012  –  9:00 AM
New Jersey State House
125 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08625

Register at:

From our Director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg:

For the Lobbying day on June 14, UULMNJ is asking Unitarian Universalists  to meet with their legislators and/or attend the rally.

We will set up small groups based on legislative districts with a team leader assigned. The teams will track down the district legislators that day, lobby them and present them with the written information that we will provide.

If you are interested in meeting with legislators, please send me your name and district number.  Also, be sure to register for lobby day

If you plan to attend, be there as early as possible.

There will be a briefing meeting at 10,  lobbying until 12, a rally at noon and then more lobbying after the rally.

A Message From Food and Water Watch:

Fracking waste is coming to New Jersey, threatening our drinking water, environment and public health. In January of 2013, NJ’s fracking ban will expire. As if this is not enough, the industry is pushing risky gas pipelines, gas-fired power plants and billions in taxpayer dollars for subsidies for gas transportation projects. These subsidies are coming at a time when Governor Christie is pushing for millions in cuts to clean energy and conservation programs. Can you join us in Trenton on June 14 to stand against the fracking industry’s assault on our state?

In the morning, we will be creating a presence in the NJ State House, educating legislators about how they can help stop the fracking industry from turning NJ into a fracking wasteland. At noon, leaders from across NJ will be speaking out at a rally against the dangers of fracking and the direct impact these risky and unnecessary gas infrastructure projects are having on our state. We need your help to pull off a massive show of support against fracking and for clean energy.

Let’s plan to take over the capital on June 14 and demonstrate that New Jersey is ready for clean energy solutions and a fossil fuel-free future. Will you join us in Trenton on June 14th?