Ban Fracking Waste in New Jersey


Over 200 rallied at the State House in support of the bill to ban fracking waste in NJ on June 14.  Fifteen percent (30 persons) were Unitarian Universalists – including nine UU ministers!   For a relatively small network, we certainly carry a lot of impact.  Reverend Craig Hirshberg, Executive Director of the UULMNJ testified at the Environment Hearing in favor of a bill banning fracking waste in NJ. The bill was passed out of committee.  Here’s where your help is needed:

CALL  Senate President Sweeney: (888) 793 – 4597 and Assembly Speaker Oliver: (866) 582-4813 to request that A575/S253 be posted for a vote this week!  The NJ Legislature will take summer recess beginning June 30.


–       As a legislative leader we need you to lead on protecting NJ’s waterways from fracking by posting A575/S253 for a vote and making sure it passes.

–       Fracking waste treatment is a threat to our drinking water and should be banned.

–    Radioactive fracking waste has been discharged into Pennsylvania’s waterways and we can’t allow it here.

Keep the GARDEN STATE   green!