October 20 – Fall Issues Workshop

Fall Issues Workshop Saturday, October 20, 2012

9am to 3pm at the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood 113 Cottage Place, Ridgewood, New Jersey
(www.uuridgewood.org for directions)

This gathering will be a working session to:

  • Discuss the current issues in our Task Force meetings
  • Learn how you can work with UULMNJ in your home congregation
  • Hear a special presentation on Poverty in New Jersey by Allan Lichtenstein, Legal Services of New Jersey Poverty Research Institute
  • Gather and celebrate at a reception for the presentation of the Spirit of Humanity Awards

Who should attend?

  • People who want to make a difference by putting their faith into action
  • Anyone interested in the work of UULMNJ
  • Congregational liaisons, action team members, leaders and staff
  • Task Force members

To register go to www.formdesk.com/uuforms/uulmnj by October 16, 2012.

For details, talk to your congregational liaison.

Post a flyer at your congregation.

We look forward to seeing you on October 20 in Ridgewood!