Immigration as a Moral Issue – Statement of Conscience

UUA CSAI (Congregational Study/Action Issue)
2010-2014 “Immigration as a Moral Issue”

At General Assembly in 2010, Immigration as a Moral Issue was selected as the UUA Congregational Study Action Issue for the next four years. Congregations and districts were encouraged to begin programs of education and reflection, service, community organizing, advocacy, and public witness. The General Assembly held in Phoenix in 2012 was specifically focused on Immigration issues, and the staff Commission on Social Witness (CSW) organized and conducted workshops on the issue.

On November 15, 2012, the CSW will present a draft Statement of Conscience (SOC) on immigration. The draft statement and a ballot to place the SOC on the agenda of GA 2013 will be included in the annual congregational poll, conducted with annual membership certification.

On February 1, 2013, the congregational poll ballots are due, with a quorum of 25% of congregational members participating. This is also the deadline for submission of comments on the draft SOC.

At the General Assembly 2013 the Statement of Conscience will be considered. Approval requires a 2/3 vote of delegates. If the SOC is adopted in 2013, an Implementation Year Workshop will be held on it at General Assembly 2014, concluding the Study/Action cycle. For more information about the CSAI process and timetable, go to UUA’s site CSAI process [tt_vector icon=”fa-external-link”].