Affordable Housing Action Alert – Nov. 28

Fighting Poverty With Faith Building Opportunity Through Affordable Housing for All

Call to action

Wednesday, November 28, 2012 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

NJ State House Annex, Committee Room 4 
155 West State Street, Trenton NJ

For millions of Americans, safe and decent housing is unaffordable and unavailable. The faith community cannot stand idly by as too many of our neighbors are forced to make impossible choices among necessities such as food, rent, and medicine. We recognize the importance of decent shelter as a core necessity to overcoming poverty and will educate our communities about this issue and work to increase the supply of, and expand access to, housing for low income families and individuals.  We can make a difference by speaking out collectively as representatives of New Jersey’s Multifaith Community

We take up the call of our religious traditions to bring focus and attention to the need for housing that is affordable in our communities.

Conveners: NJ State Assoc. of Jewish Federations, NJ Catholic Conference, Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministry NJ.
UULMNJ is a co-sponsor of this call to action.

Post a flyer in your congregation.

Come to Trenton!
Check with your liaison or contact for more info.