UUA: Feb 4 – Call for Gun Violence Prevention

Interfaith Call-In Day to Prevent Gun Violence
Monday, February 4, 2013

The UUA is asking people to participate in the following Action Alert:

The UUA is part of Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence, a diverse coalition of more than 40 denominations and faith-based organizations united by the call of our faiths to confront America’s gun violence epidemic and to rally support for policies that reduce death and injury from gunfire.

On Monday, February 4th, join other voices of faith in calling on your senators to enact gun violence prevention laws. Ensure that the voices of faithful Americans ring throughout the halls of Congress.

Call this toll-free number: 1-877-897-0174 and request to be connected to your senator.  (Please call twice to speak to both of your sentators! You can look up who your elected officials are here.)

The major components of the legislation that Congress is considering are below. When you call your senators, let them know that you are calling as a member of the faith community, and emphasize the policies that you support.

  • Require universal background checks for all gun purchases
  • Ban semi-automatic assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
  • Make gun trafficking a federal crime
  • Improve access to mental health services

Tell them that gun violence prevention laws work.

See UUA webpage: Take Action to Prevent Gun Violence for more information, resources, and regional partners.  Learn more about the Faiths United Against Gun Violence coalition.