Sussex Co: Climate Change – March 12

Climate Change
To Be or Not To Be

It is Hard to Know What to Believe
An Opportunity to Finally Address YOUR Questions to a Real Person
Ellie Whitney, PhD
Citizens Climate Lobby
Speaker, biologist, author, columnist, climate activist, UU

A Gathering brought to you by The Skylands Group of The Sierra Club

Hosted by the Fellowship of Sussex County
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 7pm-8:30pm

Ellie Whitney, a member of the UU Congregation of Princeton, authored the article, “How to Meet the Climate Crisis,” in the Winter issue of UU World.  She explains that a way to do this would be to establish a carbon tax: “The fastest, most effective way to change consumption patterns is to change the prices of things. If we want less CO2, we need to tax carbon, an idea gaining traction among economists, politicians, and the general public.”