Summer – Time Needed for Rest and Reflection

First, I would like to dedicate the work we do to the late Senator Frank Lautenberg.  Sen. Lautenberg was a New Jersey son from humble beginnings who understood what it meant to govern.  He understood the responsibilities of a government responsive to the pressing needs of its people and dedicated his life to addressing those needs.  He set an exemplary model for every senator who will follow him.  His presence in New Jersey will be missed, but as we continue to benefit from his legacy, he will live on in our hearts.  Rest in peace Sen. Lautenberg and thank you.

There was a time not too long ago when summertime was a time for rest and relaxation, a time for reflection and renewal.   Rest, relaxation, reflection and renewal are all imperative to being a truly grounded social advocate.  What we do is important, and how we are able to be present as we stand for our beliefs is equally important.  Our work is not a microwaveable process.  We are long haul people and to sustain that effort, there needs to be time for rest and reflection.

This fall will be a busy one. Immigration reform, minimum wage, marriage equality, fracking, just to name a few.  You will see the beginnings of organizing this summer for many of these issues and it is all very compelling.  Please take time to take care of yourself and rest.  May you have a peaceful and relaxing summer.