New Jersey Comes Together for Marriage Equality – Training on June 26, Rally on June 27

The Supreme Court just struck down the Defense of Marriage Act and upheld the lower court ruling against proposition 8 (on a technicality, but still good for CA).  New Jersey still has it’s work to do, but this certainly helps.

Two important notices:

  • Come to Trenton at 11:30am on Thursday, June 27 for a rally on the capital steps.  We need LOTS of bodies.  There are times to take off work for a cause, and this is one of them. We need to demonstrate how many people feel so strongly about Marriage Equality in NJ.  Wear you Standing on the Side of Love tees if you have them. This will be a huge press event.
  • There is a marriage equality lobbying training on June 26 at the Summit congregation, 4 Waldron Ave, Summit,NJ.  This event is being co-sponsored by the ACLU and Summit church.  It is at 7 PM. Please come to be trained.  Lobbying will a major focus over the next few months as we work to overturn the Governor’s veto.

UUA President Issues Statement on Historic Decisions on Marriage Equality
June 26, 2013

The Rev. Peter Morales, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), issued this statement following the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic decisions on marriage equality:

“Today, the U.S. Supreme Court, the highest court of our country, stood on the side of love with its decision in United States v. Windsor declaring that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.

This is a proud and momentous day for all who have suffered under this law and felt discrimination based on their sexual orientation. It is a victory for the principle that civil rights belong to all.

In the Proposition 8 case of Hollingsworth v. Perry, the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal over same-sex marriage on jurisdictional grounds, essentially paving the way for marriage equality in California.

While I am disappointed that the Supreme Court did not declare the freedom to marry as a constitutionally-protected “equal protection” right that would apply to all states, I applaud this historic step towards equality.

The Unitarian Universalist Association joined two amicus curiae briefs in these cases with other religious organizations in support of marriage equality. In both cases, the UUA argued that a broad cross-section of religious denominations recognize the dignity of lesbian and gay people and their relationships, recognize the necessary distinction between civil and religious marriage, and recognize that civil marriages of same-sex couples will not impinge upon religious beliefs or practices, but rather will prevent one set of religious beliefs from being imposed on others through civil law.

Unitarian Universalists have been vocal supporters of marriage equality for decades.  I thank them for their dedicated commitment to our Unitarian Universalist principle of affirming the worth and dignity of every person.

There is still so much work to be done to ensure equal protection for all who live and love in our country. As we know, marriage equality strengthens families, protects children, and ensures the basic rights of citizenship for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender couples.

It remains my fervent hope that soon marriage equality is afforded to all in this country. Unitarian Universalists will continue to stand on the side of love with all families.”