Exploring a Renewable Energy Coalition

A meeting was recently held at the Princeton UU Church regarding the proposed formation of a coalition to push for renewable energy in New Jersey. Led by Bill Potter, a new member at Princeton, who was once the Public Advocate for the State of NJ, the group is seeking supporting organizations that would contact legislators to sponsor a bill that would require that the state achieve 80% Renewable Electricity by 2050, with an intermediate requirement of 30% Renewable Electricity by 2025. The collation would also seek a requirement that the total electric usage in New Jersey be reduced by 20% by 2025 relative to 2012 usage, and be reduced by 30% by 2050 relative to 2012 usage.

The task force believes that this is an exciting prospect that would provide a vehicle for advocating for Environmental Justice as was a key goal of the 2013 UU General Assembly.  The task force will continue to gather more information about this effort.