Post Sandy Recovery Assistance for Renters

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey, representing members of the Unitarian Universalist communities of New Jersey, urges that the State allocate a fair share of Sandy relief funds to renters. Unitarian Universalists believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. We have been advocates for affordable housing for decades. In many New Jersey shore communities, finding affordable rental apartments has always been difficult. Now, with the devastation caused by Superstorm Sandy, providing affordable rental housing to fill this need is urgent! Renters comprise 43% of the households impacted by Sandy. Prior to Sandy affordable rental units were difficult to find; this disaster significantly exacerbated the situation. It is urgent that sufficient rental units be restored or constructed to meet the needs of hard-working renters throughout the State.

Read our Policy Brief for Sandy Relief

HUD’s response to the Administration’s Action Plan resulted in more relief for renters/affordable housing, than originally requested; however, not nearly enough.  UULMNJ’s Exeuctive Director, Rev. Craig is signing onto the Housing and Community Development Network of NJ’s joint letter on behalf of UULMNJ.   Letters to the Governor and our US Representatives are also needed.