Princeton: Support for Marriage Equality

Rev. Bill Neely, minister at the UU Congregation of Princeton, had a letter to the editor published in the Trenton Times on August 28, calling for marriage equality in New Jersey.

“My wife and 4-year-old daughter recently traveled to attend a wedding for a couple of friends we met at church about 20 years ago. They’ve been in love the whole time and are raising a wonderful child together. I stayed home with our baby, but I heard that the wedding was spectacular. It’s easy to imagine that; they’re a beautiful couple with a wide circle of wonderful friends.

They’ve waited a long time to get married. Because they’re both women, most states judge their relationship to be unworthy of receiving full marital status. Most states discriminate against them. But Maryland recently decided to treat equally all couples who make the promise of marriage. Fortunately for them, our friends live in Maryland, one of 13 equality states. Sadly, if they lived in New Jersey, their marriage would still be unrecognized….”