Tuition Equity Action Alert December 17, 2013


Action Alert   •   Tuition Equity

The UU Legislative Ministry of New Jersey is asking you to act now.  The NJ Tuition Equity bill, Assembly Bill #A4225, will probably be coming up for a vote as soon as this Thursday, December 19, 2013.  This proposed legislation, which provides instate tuition for undocumented youth in New Jersey and access to financial aid, is a matter of simple fairness and justice.  The students for whom it makes a difference are New Jerseyans: they live here, they have been educated here, and overwhelmingly they intend to stay here and build careers and families.  They are our neighbors and friends, our fellow New Jerseyans.  You can help by sending a letter to your NJ Assembly representative today, asking him or her to support Bill #A4225.  By clicking the link below, you will be prompted to enter your zip code in order to identify your state legislators.  After providing some basic information, you will automatically be able to sign and send a letter electronically directly to your legislator.

These young people are ours.  They are growing up here, and they belong to all of us.  They are part of our schools, part of our communities, and part of our state.  Help them receive the opportunity they deserve by clicking the link below.



Rev. Craig Hirshberg