Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Action Alert Feb. 18, 2014


The UU Legislative Ministry is asking you to act now! In 2011, Governor Christie announced that he was pulling New Jersey from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a program with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Environment New Jersey has been working exhaustively to ensure New Jersey’s participation in the program.
From Doug O’Malley, Environment New Jersey Director:

“We took the Christie administration to court to hold them accountable for their illegal removal from the rules setting up the landmark Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)–a program making our air safer to breathe and reducing carbon pollution.

A lot has happened since June of 2012 when we first filed the suit along with the Natural Resources Defense Council. Superstorm Sandy hit, fueled by warmer ocean waters. Every month has seen above average temperatures. And the RGGI program has gotten stronger–even without New Jersey.

It’s time to get New Jersey back into the program.”

Please stand up for the environment with Environment New Jersey, and tell Governor Christie that New Jersey belongs back in RGGI.  We urge you to follow the link provided and add your name to list of advocates for the environment: Sign Here