YUUR Voice in Trenton: Mar 2014

UULMNJ is gearing up for the new legislative session. Here are a few of the highlights this month:

  • A new task force Criminal Justice: Ending the New Jim Crow was approved by the board at its February meeting. The chair is Al Stawsky from our Palisades congregation. If you would like to get involved on this active task force, contact Al at alynways@gmail.com. To view the UULMNJEnding Jim Crow policy brief,Go to the UULMNJ website www.uulmnj.org.
  • The immigration task force is launching a 1000 letter campaign to address the detention conditions in New Jersey. UU’s across the state are asked to sign letters at coffee hour during the month of March. The letters, addressed to Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security, will be collected at the April 5 plenary. After a news release is issued, the letters will be sent.
  • The Gun Violence Prevention Task force is supporting new proposed state legislation to reduce magazines to a maximum of ten rounds. It is also promoting resolutions within local town councils, requiring the town to purchase guns only from socially responsible gun manufacturers. Three Gun Violence Prevention educational events are being planned at Summit, with the capability of other congregations participating via teleconferencing. The dates are March 23, April 27 and May 18. Watch for more detailed information coming soon. For more GVP information, contact Diane Finn, chair at finnflynn@verizon.net
  • From our environmental task force: The Delaware River Basin Commission is meeting on March 11, and the Obama administration holds one of five key votes on the commission’s decision whether or not to allow fracking in the Delaware River Basin. Will you tell the president to shut the door on drilling in one of our best places” Go to http://www.webaction.org/site/R?i=AdyuMpSsQK_iSTHJGsfCsA to send your letter.
  • We had to say goodbye to our issues organizer, Jame deBoer. James left to become the full time minister of a UCC congregation in Livingston. We will miss him! We wish him the very best.

UULMNJ will be hosting its 5th Anniversary Annual Plenary Meeting on April 5 at the Princeton Congregation. The keynote speaker is Gordon MacInnes, President of New Jersey Policy Perspective. Each registrant will get a free copy of the 2014 League of Women Voters Guide. To register go to plenary14@uulmnj.org