Protect Children Not Guns–Three Presentations

Knowledge and Action Now

Hear Leading Experts Speak

Three Sundays on Gun Violence Prevention 1:00 P.M at
The Unitarian Church in Summit
4 Waldron Avenue (Corner Waldron &Springfield Aves)
Summit, NJ 07901

March 23–Protect Our Children From Gun Violence

Rev. Shannon Daley-Harris, for 24 years, Senior Religious Advisor of the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) in Washington, DC. Author of dozens of publications on advocacy for children

Robert Tessaro, former director of Law Enforcement Relations, Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

April 27–Understanding Guns & Firearms Safety

George Faison, a skilled hunter and a Unitarian, joins this series as a responsible gun owner willing to speak up for reasonable safety measures.

May 18–Legislation on Firearms Safety: Then & Now, Federal & State

Nicola Bocour, director of Ceasefire NJ, graduate of Montclair High School and Seton Hall Law School. As director of Ceasefire NJ (a project of Coalition for Peace Action), she has testified in Trenton and DC, and met with legislators to advocate for sensible gun laws.

Diane Finn, the UULMNJ liaison for the prevention of gun violence, will discuss how congregations can take action.

Presentations are free and open to the public.For additional information, view children not guns [tt_vector icon=”fa-file-pdf-o”] or contact