Action Alert: June 3, 2014: Register for June 12 Fracking Lobby Day and Rally


Join with people from across the state to ban fracking waste dumping in New Jersey!

Fracking waste containing radioactive elements, heavy metals, and known carcinogens has already come to New Jersey, threatening our drinking water, our environment and public health. The legislature acted to ban fracking waste dumping, but Governor Christie vetoed that bill, and the legislature must act again in the new legislative session. Geological surveys show large shale deposits under portions of Central and North Jersey. Fracking waste produced here in our own state will force millions more gallons of toxic waste on our communities.

Schedule for the Day:

  • 9:00 am Kick-Off Meeting & Briefing
  • 10:00 am Lobby Teams Dispatch Throughout State House
  • 12:30pm Rally on State House Steps

TBD – Potential Vote on NJ Fracking Waste Ban

The Rally Will Feature:

Legislative leaders in the fight for a clean energy future

Grassroots leaders in the fight against fracking and fracking waste dumping

Labor leaders, students, faith leaders, and people from impacted communities that are coming together for a clean energy future.

Before and after the rally you will have a chance to meet with legislators who have the power to pass a ban on fracking waste dumping.

Please RSVP here so we know you are coming:

 This action is being coordinated by the Coalition to Ban Fracking Waste Dumping.

A flyer is available for congregation promotion.  Questions or to get more involved,