Action Alert June 11, 2014: Make a call to keep Fracking waste out of New Jersey


From our friends at Food and Water Watch:

We need your immediate help to keep fracking waste out of our state!

Last month we had a really exciting win as the NJ Senate voted to pass legislation that would prevent New Jersey from becoming a dumping ground for toxic and radioactive fracking waste. But right now, the Assembly leadership is undecided as to whether or not it will even consider the bill for a vote.

We need your help to ensure that our voices are louder than any pressure the Assembly may be receiving from the oil and gas industry. We can’t let these dirty polluters win!

Call Assembly Speaker Prieto and let him know that our water is too precious to pollute with toxic fracking waste!

Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto: 877-844-5384

Urge him to make the Fracking Waste Ban bill (A.2108) a priority by passing this bill and sending it to the Governor before the end of June.

Our drinking water and our health depend on it.