YUUR Voice in Trenton: July 2014

Thank you! It has been a busy and successful legislative year for the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ. We thank all of our advocates for their hard work and dedication over the past months. We have two bills that have passed both houses and await the Governor’s signature:

  •     The Opportunity to Compete Act was passed on June 26 by both branches of the NJ Legislature.  This bill will allow the estimated one in four New Jersey adults with a criminal record to fairly compete for work based on merit by requiring the majority employers to wait until after the first interview to ask about an applicant’s criminal background. With the Governor’s anticipated signature, New Jersey will become the thirteenth state to pass such a law.
  •     The Fracking Waste Ban bill, S1041 still needs our help! This bill would prohibit the treatment, disposal, and storage of waste produced by hydraulic fracking in the state of New Jersey. Contact Governor Christie today and tell him to keep New Jersey water clean and safe!

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to have S946, a bill reducing gun magazine capacity from 15 to 10 rounds. The bill was passed by both houses but was vetoed by the Governor.

GA Workshop: UULMNJ Executive Director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg, was a speaker for “Tools for Organizing,” a State Advocacy Networks workshop at General Assembly in Providence, Rhode Island. The workshop and materials were organized by UULMNJ in conjunction with other State Advocacy Networks (SANS). Rev. Hirshberg serves on the national SANS steering committee.

Legal Advocacy Project (LAP). The mission of the LAP program is to advocate through the New Jersey State and Federal Courts to advance cases that are consistent with the seven UU principles and that generally encompass at least one of the subject matters of the UUMNJ taskforces. Gary Nissenbaum has generously agreed to be our first legal director. UULMNJ would like to express its appreciation and gratitude for his inspiration and leadership!


UULMNJ ISSUES CONFERENCE IS September 27th at Paramus. Mark you calendar!

PEOPLES CLIMATE MARCH is September 21 in New York City.

Watch UULMNJ notices for more information on both of these events.

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