Action Agenda: Justice for Michael Brown & Criminal Justice Reform


UULMNJ Criminal Justice Reform: Ending the New Jim Crow Task Force,


Justice for Michael Brown & Criminal Justice Reform

Recent events in Ferguson, Missouri are exposing more than ever the continued oppression and killing of people of color by police and vigilantes and the injustice of a broken policing and criminal justice system.

Many varied religious, grassroots and advocacy groups across the country are responding with actions calling for justice and meaningful change.  A call for a national  “Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation” in October has been issued by the “Stop Mass Incarceration Network” (  Some New Jersey UU Congregations have already planned responses to this call.

We believe that vigorous advocacy and educational activity is vital to create the basis for far reaching legislative change for social justice.  This is our way of Standing on the Side of Love and of our Unitarian Universalist faith.

There are many ways you can respond.  Here are a few:

  • Have an October service on the New Jim Crow and the spiritual practice of action for social justice.
  • Sponsor a film showing about criminal justice and mass incarceration such as “Broken on All Sides” or “The House I Live In”.
  • Write a letter to the local paper expressing UU concerns on the issue.
  • Initiate or join with other groups or faiths in local events.
  • Participate in statewide events such as the ‘Moral Monday’ demonstration in Trenton (Oct. 27) and the rally at NJ State prison (Oct. 11) or the National Day of Protest on October 22.
  • Light a candle during service for Michael Brown and the other victims of police and vigilante violence.
  • WEAR ORANGE during October in solidarity with the victims of unjust and racist incarceration.  Be prepared to explain why to those that ask.
  • What are your ideas? Share your ideas with everyone on our Facebook page or on Twitter @UULMNJ.

Task Force members are exchanging ideas and resource information.  If you wish to be part of this ‘Info Exchange’ please contact Susan MacDonnell at

For further information on Task Force activity contact Al Stawsky, Chair, at