Morristown: Restore Democracy! Get Money Out of Politics!

Restore Democracy! Get Money Out of Politics!

        What’s Happening and What You Can Do NOW –

Thursday Sept. 11, 2014 at 7:30PM

Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

21 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown, NJ 07960

The following leaders of New Jersey for the Overturn of Citizens United (NJOCU), a statewide coalition of 27 organizations, will speak on severa issues in the rapidly growing national movement to remove the corrupting influence of money on our elections.

Susannah Newman, Founder/Coordinator, NJOCU Coalition

Mark Doenges, Founder/Webmaster, NJOCU Coalition

  • Proposal by Congress for a US Constitutional Amendment to restore campaign finance regulation and government by the people, inparticular, the status of the “Democracy for All” amendment (SJR19) currently pending for a vote in the full Senate *
  • Where do NJ Congressional candidates and incumbents stand on an amendment and the NJOCU“Ask”Campaign?
  • Resolutions passed by NJ municipalities in support of an amendment,and what can be done to gain the support of more NJ municipalities
  • Government by the PeopleAct (SB20 )federal legislation for public financing of congressional campaigns that can broaden participation by small donors
  • MAYDAYSuperPAC to help elect lawmakers who are committed to fundamental reform which would diminish the influence of big donors in elections

This free program is sponsored by Seeds of Peace ,a social justice committee of the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship (MUF).  Co-sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Montclair (UUCM), the North Jersey Public Policy Network (NJPPN) and BlueWaveNJ (BWNJ).

*UPDATE!  Before leaving for August recess, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid filed for cloture on the Democracy for All amendment (SJR19). THE CLOTURE VOTE (which ends debate thereby ending McConnell’s filibuster) IS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, SEPT.8!! For instructions on what YOU can do NOW in support of a Senate YES vote on cloture as well as on this US Constitutional Amendment, go to the NJOCU website at [tt_vector icon=”fa-external-link” size=”” border=”false” pull=”” color=””]