September 2014


Monthly Liaison Conference Call Minutes
September 3, 2014, 8 PM

In Attendance:
Cecilia Cosca (Montclair)
Frances Prestianni (Princeton)
Sally Gellert (Paramus)
Peggy Clark, Racial and Justice Consultant for Metro District
Elaine Nigam (Princeton)
Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Dir.
Laurice Grae-Hauck, Administrator
Congregations Check-in: 8:05
  • Cecilia (Montclair) Sunday high coffee after service with committees tabling and providing info.  UULMNJ representing.  Talking about climate day on September 21 and the plan for October’s mass incarceration protest.
  • Frances (Princeton) Program tabling next week.  Office sent a notice to all members on the Issues Workshop.  Showing “Broken on Both Sides” at a local synagogue.
  • Sally (Paramus) Plans for an organic vegetable garden for donations to Food Action.
 Issues Workshop:
  • Please distribute the flyer to your congregations. (Download flyer here)
  •  Udi Ofer will be our keynote speakers.
  • Three task forces have speakers in breakout sessions right now; immigration, mass incarceration, environment.

Reminder in the coming weeks.  Urge people to register

Video Project:
  • Leaders in the fields came in to record an educational/training program for each task force to be shown on Princeton TV and to be used in congregations.  The videos are 30 minutes in length and include immigration detention, climate change, affordable housing, and mass incarceration.
  • Hope to be finished editing by the end of September, October at the latest.
  • Will be available on YouTube and study guides will also be available.
  • We had two summer interns through the UUA College of Social Justice from Washington State and Missouri
  • One worked closely on the video project
  • One intern helped to prepare for the GA session on State Advocacy Networks and also preparation for rapid response teams, which did not progress as well as hoped
Zoom Conferencing:
  • Very easy cloud meet up for visual conference calling
  • Free program
  • Inviting all liaisons to a Zoom conference trial to see how it works.
  • Can be used for task force meetings, liaison calls, and congregational meeting
  • Up to 50 people, depending on level of membership
  • Bandwidth needs is not known right now.  Craig will ask when she speaks to a representative.
New Business
  • October 27 in Trenton.  Protest for the Month of Resistance.  More information will be coming.
  • Cecilia would like to invite everyone to a Citizens United presentation at UU Montclair on September 11 at 7:30.  Please see information Craig sent to all liaisons.  Contact Cecilia for more information.
People’s Climate March, Peggy Clark
  • Every UU needs to sign up through the meet up for the Climate March
  • Expecting hundreds of thousands of people.  Thousands of UUs
  • Interfaith service prior to march
  • Collective action after the march
  • Housing is currently being covered.  There is expected to be a last minute need.
  • There is a congregational and individual system for housing.
  • Timeslots for buses to drive in, then they will have to leave and come back.
  • Sally will get lists of local phone banks to Craig to alert people to the climate march.
  • Craig offered to put out a call for day of volunteers and Peggy will put the volunteers where needed
  • Morristown, Summit and Paramus are planning buses
  • Check for information on transportation
  • UULMNJ can be an information resource
  • If you sign up on be sure to also sign up through the UU meet up

Next call on October 1 at 8:00pm.  MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW

Adjourned at 8:48
Minutes submitted by Laurice Grae-Hauck, UULMNJ Administrator