Criminal Justice Reform October Action Agenda

The month of October is a focus for activity to protest, educate and advocate for an end to this critical racial and social justice issue of our era.  There is still time to participate and join in.  Here are some of the activities planned by UUs and others.

  • October 12 – Silent March for Lives Lost, 11AM;  Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, 113 Cottage Place, Ridgewood.
  • October 13 – “Moral Monday Civil Disobedience Action” in solidarity with people of Ferguson; North Carolina NAACP;
  • October 16 – Canvassing training for Bail Reform vote on Question #1 on election day, 6:30-8:30, Camden Bible Tabernacle, 823 Elm St., Camden.
  • October 16 – Film “The House I Live In”, 7PM, the war on drugs and massincarceration; Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades, 228 Grand Ave., Englewood.
  • October 19 – Ed Barocas, legal Director of ACLU-NJ will speak at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Montclair, 9 and 11AM, 67 Church St., Montclair.
  • October 19 – Film “The House I Live In”, 12-2PM, UU Congregation of Princeton, 50 Cherry Hill Rd, Princeton.
  • October 19 – Book discussion and sale, “The Divide, American Injustice in the Age of Wealth Gap” by Matt Taibbi; 12:15-2:15PM, UU Congregation of Princeton, 50 Cherry Hill,  Robinson Lounge.
  • October 22 – Moral Monday National Day of Protest, New York City, 1:00PM,  march from Union Square to Times Square;
  • October 22 – March & Rally, Montclair, 4-8PM, march from Church St. Plaza to UUCMontclair at 67 Church St.
  • October 26 – Sunday Service in recognition of October Month of Resistance, 10:30-11:30AM, UUC of the Palisades, 228 Grand Avenue, Englewood.
  • October 27 – Moral Monday in Trenton, Rally at the New Jersey State House, 12-2PM,  125 W. State Street; join UU Congregations of NJ – Say No More! Stop the Mass Incarceration of Our People!

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