YUUR Voice in Trenton: Oct. 2014

UULMNJ’s 2014 Fall Issues Conference, held Sept 27 at CUC (Paramus) was a huge success, with over 100 attendees representing sixteen of NJ’s UU congregations. Thank you to all who came out to help make the day a success, and a special thanks to our friends at the Paramus Congregation.    ACLU-NJ executive director, Udi Ofer was the keynote speaker (watch it here).  Task forces convened and set this year’s priority agenda:

  • Environmental Protection:  Environmental Sustainability with a goal of 80% renewable energy by 2050, wind energy, and fracking;
  • Economic Justice:  Affordable Housing with a focus on container housing and strengthening the partnership with the Anti Poverty Network;
  • Immigration: Partnering with First Friends ; an collaborative congregational film series; wage theft and drivers licenses for documented workers;
  • Criminal Justice Reform (Mass Incarceration):  Advocacy and Education, concerning passing of Ballot Question One, parole reform and marijuana decriminalization;
  • Healthcare and Reproductive Justice: Safe Access to Reproductive Health Services through education, buffer zone safety, and Medicaid expansion. Researching intimate partner violence.

Come To Trenton October 27, Noon:  Moral Monday Rally to “Stop the Mass Incarceration of Our People,” New Jersey State House, 125 W. State Street at 12, noon. Join UU Congregations of NJ and other concerned citizens.

Get Out and Vote on Nov. 4:  Ballot Question One:  Eliminating the requirement for bail can be a good thing.  A constitutional amendment must be passed to enact the NJ bail reform legislation passed and signed this past summer.   Your vote will determine the fate of bail reform in New Jersey.  Please get out and vote on Question 1.  For more details on this important question, please read the Star Ledger column by UULMNJ Exec. Director Rev. Craig Hirshberg here.

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