YUUR Voice in Trenton: January 2015


Happy New Year from UULMNJ!  Here are a few UULMNJ highlights:

  • Legislation: UULMNJ supported the following legislation and initiatives this past quarter.  Thank you to all who helped make some of this legislation a reality:  Bail Reform Legislation and Constitutional Amendment, Opportunity to Compete, Presumptive Parole, Earned Sick Days, Affordable Housing/COAH and Sandy Relief.
  • Stamp Out Despair Appeal:  Many of our Congregations participated in the First Friends “Stamp Out Despair” Appeal sponsored by our Immigration Task Force.  Although we don’t have exact numbers, we estimate that materials for about 75 writing packets and over $1000 in phone card contributions were provided to NJ immigration detainees.  Thank you all for your generosity.
  • UULMNJ Sumer Internship Program is looking for two college students who would like to work with UULMNJ next summer.  These are sponsored by the UU College for Social Justice.  The work is 25 hrs./wk. and has a $1500 stipend.  For more information contact director@uulmnj.org or apply directly to www.uucsj.org/internships
  • UULMNJ Educational Video Program “YUUR Voice” is available to be shown in your congregations.  Five programs on immigration, mass incarceration, climate change and Affordable housing are available on the UULMNJ YouTube Channel.See the attached flyer for more complete information.  The video program can be viewed on PrincetonTV, Channel 30 on Tuesday mornings at 7 AM and Thursday evenings at 9 PM.

Save the Dates:

  • March 8:  New Jersey MUUsic Festival, Morristown Fellowship.  Come hear UU musicians from around New Jersey come together to benefit UULMNJ.
  • April 18:  UULMNJ Annual Meeting, Montclair UU Congregation.  Keynote Speaker: Junius Williams.  See our task forces in action.