YUUR Voice in Trenton: Feb. 2015

If the winter doldrums have taken you hostage, UULMNJ has an antidote. Our First Annual MUUsic Festival, featuring choirs and musicians from seven congregations will be held Sunday, March 8 at 3 PM at the Morristown Fellowship.  This promises to be a one of a kind opportunity for fun. Tickets are on sale now at http://bit.ly/1yIC6Yz.

Mark Your Calendars:  Registration is now open for the Spring Plenary in Montclair on April 18.  Register at http://bit.ly/16hBBgl.  Stay up to date with information and attendees, invite friends or share the event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1543470649257947/

UULMNJ target legislation bills are making their way through various committees.  UULMNJ is watching legislation on solitary confinement, parole reform, housing foreclosures and domestic violence/gun control.

Every spring, the legislature becomes occupied with New Jersey’s proposed budget. A budget is an ethical document. It reflects the values and priorities of the State of New Jersey.  Our coalition partners, Anti Poverty Network and NJ Policy Perspectives are helping to review the proposed budget in terms of a social justice agenda.  Those will be covered in in our next edition

The NJ Supreme Court recently heard an argument to keep immigrants covered with NJ Family Care.  The current legislation eliminates NJ Family Care for legal immigrants who have been in the state less than 5 years.  UULMNJ has filed an amicus brief in this case.

A New UULMNJ website will be launched in the coming weeks!  There will be a calendar for statewide congregational events.  Watch for the unveiling.

New Development Director, Dianne Connell, was hired and has started work.  An experienced UU, Diane is excited to work toward long-term growth for UULMNJ. You will be hearing more about a new development plan for UULMNJ in the near future. She can be reached at development@uulmnj.org

Congratulations to UULMNJ young adult board member Ethan Anderson.  Ethan, who comes from our East Brunswick Congregation, was selected by Americans for Progress to attend the #Fight4AFuture Gun Violence Prevention Summit for young adults in March.


Hope to see everyone at the benefit MUUsic Festival on March 8.  Bring friends!