February 2015

Monthly Liaison Conference Call Minutes

February 4, 2015, 8 PM

In Attendance:

Peggy Wood (Lakeland)
Lorraine Wearley  (Summit)
Laurice Grae-Hauck, Administrator
Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Dir.


Congregations Check-in: 

  • Peggy Wood (Lakeland): Co-presidents want UULMNJ to do a lay led service. (This is arranged for 3/22/15.  Fighting the Pilgrim Pipeline. Resolution did not pass in Wayne.  Town council is working on a more specific resolution now.
  • Lorraine Wearley (Summit): Summit had previously fought off the pipeline in their community.

Craig Updates:   (8:28pm)

  • Solitary confinement bill S2588 is in the senate law and safety committee next Thursday, February 12. Craig will be testifying. There is not yet a companion bill in the Assembly.  They’d like to fill the room.
  • A case went before the Supreme Court last week to keep immigrants covered with NJ Family Care. Christie’s law eliminated NJFamily Care for legal immigrants.  Waiting to hear the verdict.  UULMNJ has filed an amicus brief in this case.

Lorraine (EJTF update):

  • Senator Lesniak taking on food stamps and hunger issues. SNAP program has not been fully funded and additional requirements have been tacked on, including submission of heating bills to receive food stamps. The Task Force is taking this on at the urging of the Anti-Poverty Network.
  • The Economic Justice Task Force has a new Policy Statement concerning current foreclosure bills. A copy of the statement is attached to these minutes.

New Business

  • 1st Annual MUUsic Festival to benefit UULMNJ at Morristown Unitarian Fellowship. Congregations from across the state will participate. Sunday, March 8 at 3:00. Tickets are on sale now at http://bit.ly/1yIC6Yz  Please spread the word in your congregations and online! PR materials are attached to this email.  Invite friends on the Facebook event page at https://www.facebook.com/events/64395092571696
  • New UULMNJ website will be launched in the coming weeks! There will be a calendar for statewide congregational events.  Plan on submitting community events to be added to the statewide calendar!
  • New Development Director, Dianne Connell, was hired and has started work. She has lots of UU experience and is excited to work toward long-term growth for UULMNJ. She can be reached at development@uulmnj.org
  • Registration is now open for the Spring Plenary in Montclair on April 18. Register at http://bit.ly/16hBBgl.  Stay up to date with information and attendees, invite friends or share the event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1543470649257947/


Adjourned at 8:43

Minutes submitted by Laurice Grae, UULMNJ Administrator


Monthly Meeting and YUUR Voice Video Information

Liaison meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month. At 8 PM.   Please mark your calendars.  The link and call in information never changes from meeting to meeting.  This information is below for your convenience.

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/466835134

Or phone: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll;   Meeting ID: 466 835 134