Action Alert May 15, 2015: Assembly support Earned Sick Days

We recently received the information below from our NJ Time to Care coalition asking us to organize Assembly support Earned Sick Days.  Many in NJ can not afford to be sick, literally.  If they miss a day of work, they miss a day of wages.  This bill will allow the accumulation of earned sick days.  The announcement below is designed for electronic advocacy.  If you would like to do a letter campaign on Sunday mornings, here is an Assembly support Paid Sick Leave letter that you can use by filling in your representative’s name and address.  This is an Assembly only letter.  Please collect as many as possible and send to your ASSEMBLY representatives directly.  Please let me know about your success.




Dear paid sick days supporter,

New Jersey is at the forefront of paid sick days protections, but the NJ State Assembly has not advanced state legislation. For months, the passage of this incredibly important worker protection has been delayed and we now need to make a big push to progress the bill forward!

We cannot allow the New Jersey legislature to continue to sideline the concerns of 1.2 million New Jersey workers who have no access to paid sick days!

CLICK HERE to enter your details to send a letter to your NJ Assemblymember to take action!

Yesterday in the Star-Ledger, guest columnist Rosa, a mother of three, wrote about her difficulties making ends meet working two jobs. For Mother’s Day she just wanted the right to care for her children when they get sick without fear of losing her job or a day’s pay. She called on NJ legislators to pass a statewide earned sick days law.

You can join her by adding your name to those calling on NJ Legislators to advance the state bill.

Adoption of a strong earned sick days policy is long overdue and necessary to support today’s working families.

CLICK HERE to tell the New Jersey legislature to put the earned sick days bill up for a vote now! Working families have waited long enough.

For progress!
