Invitation to March Together at #RiseUpOctober

RiseUpOctober March (600x300)

UULMNJ allies!  Here is an opportunity to join other UU’s and stand together for racial justice.  Please join members of the Fourth Universalist Society, All Souls Unitarian Church’s Racial Justice Initiative, and First UU Brooklyn at the #RiseUpOctober March on Saturday, October 24th.  We will join with protesters from around the country in resistance to the mass incarceration and continued violence against people of color at the hands of law enforcement. Together, we will affirm that #BlackLivesMatter.

We will wear our Standing on the Side of Love gear and gather at the south east corner of Washington Square Park, near the Bobst library for the opening rally beginning at 11 am.  The march is scheduled to begin at 1 pm and end at 4pm near Columbus Circle.

For more information about marching with us, contact Rachael Hayes (  And for more information about #RiseUpOctober, see the call to action on their website, here:

To show your support for the Black Lives Matter movement, change your social media profile photos. It’s and easy way to show your support and start a conversation with your friends, family, and colleagues.