Issues Conference 2015 – Criminal Justice Reform/Ending the New Jim Crow

Priorities for 2015-16:

A4162/S2718 “Special Prosecutor Bill”; requires the Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate law enforcement officers against whom a criminal complaint has been filed……and prosecute charges of misconduct and brutality. This bill gives a Special Prosecutor all the powers traditionally exercised by the County Prosecutor and explicitly addresses the danger of bias due to the working closeness of County Prosecutor to police. 2/6/15: Introduced, referred to Assy. Judiciary Comm. and to Senate Law & Public Safety Comm.

S2364/A3901 “Military Eqpt. Local Oversight”; requires police dep’ts. To obtain approval from local governing bodies (previously not req’d.) to apply for military equipment. PASSED BOTH HOUSES AND SIGNED INTO LAW MARCH 16, 2015. New Jersey becomes first State to take a step to stem the tide of militarization of community police organizations.

S2365 “Military Eqp’t. Attorney General Oversight”; gives the NJ Atty Gen. oversight approval authority for police requests for military eqpt. 12/18/2014: Passed Senate. 1/29/2015: Passed Assembly. 3/16/2015: vetoed by Governor.

A4254/S2783 “Police 5 Year Residency Bill”; allows NJ Municipalities, Counties and Regions to require five year residency (otherwise not permitted) of police officers and fire fighters, in that area, from start of service. PASSED BOTH HOUSES, JUNE 26, 2015; Passes into law after 45 days absent Gov. Veto.

A4081 “Choke Hold Restriction Bill”; Amends rules limiting the police use of ‘deadly force’ to specifically define use of choke hold to that category. 1/12/15: Introduced, referred to Assy. Law & Public safety Comm.; no Senate version.


Task Force Information Packet

Solitary Confinement Statement

Solitary Confinement Fact Sheet

Police Practices Statement


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