YUUR Voice in Trenton: October 2015

UULMNJ Statewide Issues Conference Oct. 17th

REGISTER TODAY for the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ’s Statewide Issues Conference Oct. 17th at the Summit Church, 4 Waldron Ave, Summit. NJ. Here is a chance to put your faith into action! Help set the year’s legislative priorities in Economic Justice, Mass Incarceration, Environment, Immigration and Health/Reproductive Justice.  Collaborate with UUs from across New Jersey.  Join for a Wine and Cheese reception afterward.  You won’t want to miss Special Guest and Keynote Speaker, Janice Marie Johnson, Multicultural Ministries and Leadership Director of the UUA.

Dismantling Racism

UULMNJ released Statement on Dismantling Racism this past April. Racism is an underlying cause of every social action issue addressed by UULMNJ.  We have gathered a statewide group to discuss how the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ can help address this important issue in our congregations and communities.  Send your suggestions to Rev. Craig Hirshberg, director@uulmnj.org The Cherry Hill congregation is sponsoring a regional Racial Justice Conference Oct. 23-25.  UULMNJ’s Rev. Craig Hirshberg will be a guest speaker.

October is the Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration

UULMNJ allies!  Here is an opportunity to join other UU’s and stand together for racial justice.  Please join members of the Fourth Universalist Society, All Souls Unitarian Church’s Racial Justice Initiative, and First UU Brooklyn at the #RiseUpOctober March on Saturday, October 24th.  Protestors from around the country will join in resistance to the mass incarceration and continued violence against people of color at the hands of law enforcement. Together, we will affirm that #BlackLivesMatter.

Wear our Standing on the Side of Love gear and gather at the southeast corner of Washington Square Park near the Bobst library for the opening rally beginning at 11 am.  The march is scheduled to begin at 1 pm and end at 4 pm near Columbus Circle. For more information about marching with UUs, contact Rachael Hayes (hayes.rachael@gmail.com).  And for more information about #RiseUpOctober, see the call to action on their website: http://riseupoctober.nationbuilder.com/

It’s Election Season!  Every NJ Assembly seat us up for election this year.  This is the time to get out into your communities and learn about your local elected officials.  October 13 is the voter registration deadline. Register now and make your vote count! Then get to the polls on November 3!

To learn more about this and other exciting work being done by UULMNJ volunteers across New Jersey, sign up to receive our monthly newsletter and action alerts.  Or visit www.uulmnj.org.  Don’t miss the opportunity to let YUUR Voice be heard!