ACTION ALERT: Override Pay Equity Veto!


wage gap women of colorOn March 26 we sent an Action Alert out, asking our supporters to write Governor Christie and ask for him to sign bill S992/A2750, the Pay Equity Act. You responded with overwhelming supporting, make this the most successful online advocacy piece UULMNJ has issued!

Unfortunately for the families of New Jersey, a week ago Governor Christie made national headlines (see articles linked below) when he conditionally vetoed the Pay Equity Act which passed with strong support in both houses – with a 28-4 vote in the Senate and 54-14-6 in the Assembly- in March. The Governor called the bill “nonsensical and makes New Jersey very business unfriendly. The former presidential candidate also worries that the Pay Equity Act “would make New Jersey a liberal outlier.”

button pay equity

We are asking you to now write your local legislators to urge them to stand with women and families by pledging their support for an override of Governor Christie’s veto.

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Laurice Grae-Hauck is the Outreach Coordinator of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ.