ACTION ALERT: March for Immigrant Rights

On Thursday, September 8, starting at 3:30 pm, there will be a march from the Hudson County Jail to the County Freeholders’ meeting to call for humane treatment of migrants who are being detained there for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Hudson County is paid a fee for each detainee held by the county, and the more they hold the more money ICE pays. There are reports that the conditions in the jail are terrible, including rat infested food. The County has a 287(g) agreement with ICE, which gives county law enforcement – sheriff’s officers and police – the ability to make arrests for immigration offenses. This agreement prevents immigrants in Hudson county from contacting law enforcement for problems like domestic violence.

Join UULMNJ and other members of the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice (NJAIJ) as we urge elected officials to stop making money from the incarceration of immigrants.

I will be joined by other UU clergy to march from Hudson Co. Jail at 30-35 Hackensack Avenue in Kearney to 567 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City.  A rally will be held at the start and ending points. If you are not able to walk the approximately 3.5 miles but wish to show support, please join us outside the Jersey City ralyying point around 5 pm.  This is a great opportunity to show your support for vulnerable people confronting a conflicted law enforcement system and especially inhumane prison in our home state.

For news and updates join the conversation on Facebook.

In Faith and Abiding Hope,

Rev. Rob Gregson, Executive Director