Reproductive Justice: Interfaith Letter to Congress

View Interfaith Letter to Congress here: 2017426FaithGroupsforPPFINALLetter

Information provided by Carol Loscalzo, Reproductive Justice Task Force Chair

Additional note from Glenn Northern, Domestic Program Senior Associate, Catholics for Choice:

The final interfaith letter that is being sent to Congress tomorrow morning.  The faith community came out in force.  Thank you very much. We are proud to stand together with you.   More than 60 national, state and local organizations signed onto the letter demonstrating their support for Planned Parenthood.  That might be the new reproductive health interfaith letter record!

Catholics for Choice is going to amplify very publicly that faith support as well as our own support for Planned Parenthood and we would encourage others to amplify our joint efforts as well.   As part of our amplification we will be using social media.  First thing tomorrow morning I will send a toolkit  that contains various resource that we are happy to share including our branded material.  If folks have capacity to use any of this material or need additional material please be in contact.  In the meantime, we would love to have the letter shared with your networks, websites etc. Thanks once again for all the work you do around these important issues.