Have you signed the petition to abolish solitary confinement in NJ prisons, “In Defense of Human Dignity?”

Click on the link below to go to the website of our coalition partner, the NJ Coalition to Abolish Isolated Confinement.  Many of you have visited the replica isolated confinement cell created by members of the UU Congregation at Montclair.  Far too many NJ prisons and jails use isolated confinement–for days, months, even years at a time–as a form of control.  We stand with many other faith and civic partners to call solitary what it is: immoral, unnecessary and unjust.

We will be working hard alongside our partners in NJ CAIC in 2018 to reintroduce the bill to end isolated confinement–the same one that passed resoundingly in the NJ Legislature this past year…only to be vetoed by Gov. Christie.

We aim to win this next go ’round–for the rights of all human beings, imprisoned but not without hope or human dignity and worth.  Please Sign!

NJ Coalition to Abolish Isolated Confinement Interfaith Petition