UU FaithAction NJ Plenary Success!

Thanks to everyone who attended the 7th annual UU FaithAction NJ Plenary on April 21st! For those who missed out–not to worry, we have pictures and all the pertinent information passed out to attendees.

If you did attend and haven’t yet filled out one of our Plenary Surveys, please click on the Survey link here to access a *very short* questionnaire.  Thank you and much appreciated!

The Unitarian Society in E. Brunswick, location of Plenary 2018


On behalf of the Board and staff of UU FaithAction NJ, thank you for your participation at our 7th annual Plenary last Saturday at The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick.

A quick recap: More than 75 attendees representing nearly all 21 member congregations together raised $5,250 to further our justice work together!

We were inspired by our keynote speaker, Sam Daley-Harris, received updates on the (mostly) progressive legislative rush of the first months of the Murphy administration, approved the new budget (and heard good financial news from our Treasurer), voted in two new Board members from Paramus and Beacon/Summit, and celebrated the 9 UU congregations who received State Sanctuary Challenge certificates acknowledging their efforts to welcome immigrants and stand up for the dignity of the undocumented.

Thank you once again for your ongoing participation in our UU witness for social justice and “active compassion” in New Jersey.

For those unable to join us on April 21 in person, below are the key materials included in the attendee packets.  We hope you find them informative and hope to welcome you in person next time at our 8th Annual Plenary in 2019.

Packet Contents

Plenary Agenda 2018

2018-19 UU FaithAction NJ Legislative Priorities

Criminal Justice Reform Task Force Report

Economic Justice Report

Environmental Justice Report

Gun Violence Prevention Report

Immigration Report

Reproductive Justice Report

Congregational Levels of Giving

Final 2018-2019 Budget

Joint Presidents’ Reports

Legal Advocacy Project/Signature Legislation Initiative Reports

Nominating Committee Report

State Sanctuary Challenge 2017-2018 Report

NJ Voter Registration form

Keynote Speaker, Sam Daley-Harris biography



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