Gun Violence Prevention Bills Signed

gvp collage

Governor Phil Murphy signed a package of common-sense gun safety bills that make New Jersey among the states with the strongest and most stringent gun laws in the country. Annually, more than 2,000 shootings occur in New Jersey, resulting in approximately 500 deaths each year.  

UU FaithAction NJ was one of the loudest and most persistent proponents for the passage of these bills.  Executive Director Rev. Rob Gregson, UUFANJ Board president, Nick Lewis, GVP Task Force chair Jeannine Coyne, as well as Rev. Karen Johnston and Kathy Allen Roth, testified before the legislature.

The package of bills signed by Governor Murphy are listed below.  You can log-into the provided link for a more in-depth detail of each bill.

The Bills:

A.1181/S.160 Mental Health Professional Warning- Firearm seizure

A.1217/S.2259 ERPO of 2018  (amended)

A.2759/S.2245 Prohibit use of armor piercing ammunition

A.2757/S.2374 Private gun sales – require background check

A.2758/S.2376 Justification for need to carry – conceal carry of handguns

A.2761/S.102 Reduce Ammunition magazines from 15 to 10  bullets (amended)

A.3129/S.2465 Restrict production of untraceable firearms

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