Official Position of UU FaithAction NJ

“It is the official position of UU FaithAction and all our member congregations that the taking of  money from ICE by any NJ county has become morally untenable.”

Freeholders approved a new contract with ICE during a meeting on Thursday, July 12, 2018. (Caitlin Mota | The Jersey Journal )

“There is no current social standard by which the forcible separation, and indefinite detention, of families and fellow human beings is justifiable.  History will look back at each group of county freeholders in NJ and judge your actions from this date forward: will you begin the economically difficult, but absolutely necessary, process of ending the Hudson Co. contract with the Trump administration’s immigrant hunting machine–for that is what ICE has become–or will you hedge and defer, wishing the current situation were not before you to decide.  It is, and as voters and NJ residents, we ask you to do the right thing and, working alongside long time immigrant advocates like American Friends Service Committee and NJ Alliance Immigrant Justice, begin the process of both ending this awful contract and finding creative ways to protect the lives and dignity of asylum seekers, undocumented children and parents and sending a clear message to Washington: Not In Our Name, Now or Ever.  Thank you.”

Rev. Rob Gregson

  • from the record of the July 12, 2018 Hudson County Freeholders public meeting

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