When, in mid June 2018, we learned that the Trump administration’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) was–on top of everything else–separating children from their parents at the U.S. border, UU FaithAction NJ stepped up our efforts to speak out. 12 UU protestors and our friends marched at the June 30th “Keep Families Together” rally in Newark NJ.
Pictured above (left to right) “taking the knee” in protest outside the ICE offices at the Federal Building are UU FaithAction Exec. Dir. Rev. Rob Gregson, Margaret Babcock (Beacon-Summit), Rev. Alison Miller (Morristown) and Cathy Menendez (Beacon-Summit). Through our Immigration Reform Task Force, chaired by Ted Fetter (Princeton) we will continue to demand a rational, humane and just immigration policy and an end to mass detentions and deportations as being against fundamental American, as well as Unitarian Universalist, values.